AtoZeasy Reading System - Stage 1


What is taught in Stage 1

  • Pre-reading and writing

  • Alphabet symbols

  • Letter-names and sounds

  • Write Capital and Lowercase letters without inversions or reversals

  • Decode 3-letter phonetic words (CVC) such as ‘cat’ and ‘dog’

  • Read five phonetic stories

  • Spell and write 3-letter phonetic words

  • Read phonetically regular compound words, e.g. ‘sunhat’

  • Read the 12 high-frequency words (25% of words in textbooks, newspapers and magazines).


Animated Alphabet

The Animated Pictographic Alphabet teaches the symbols, names and sounds of the letters of the English alphabet.

‘Fascinating Facts’ tells unusual facts about the AtoZeasy Characters.’

26 two-piece jigsaw puzzle (15cm x 9cm) links the alphabet letters to corresponding picture.

Colouring-in sheets

The AtoZeasy Flash Cards are used to ensure that the child knows all the 26 letter symbols and sounds.

Animated Song teaches the vowel sounds.

Animated Song teaches the sequence of the letters.



My First Words helps build vocabulary

Read and Write teaches the first and last letters of words and medial vowels.

Five Phonetic Readers Workbooks accompany the 5-phonetic Readers.

The Lost Pet teaches the 12 High-Frequency-Words that make up 25% of words in textbooks, newspapers and magazines.



AtoZeasy’s five phonetic readers can be read phonetically. Each book focuses on teaching one of the five medial vowels in three-letter-phonetic words such as ‘cat’ and ‘dog’.These enchanting illustrated stories captivate the imagination of the young reader.

CVC Matching Pairs

The Picnic story gives the child practice in reading compound and longer phonetic words. Matching cards are included.

Fun in the Mud reader to practise reading the high- frequency words.


Writing The Alphabet Letters

These ingenious writing books teach the child how to write lower case and Capital letters without reversals or inversions of the letters.